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About The North West Vehicle Restoration Trust
General History and Aims
The North West Vehicle Restoration Trust (NWVRT) was officially set up on the 5th August 2011 to bring together people with a common interest in saving, in the restoration of preserving historic vehicles, and associated items along with keeping restoration skills alive for future generations.
In addition, we want to ensure that future generations will have the opportunity to learn, understand and enjoy our achievements in the development of historic vehicles by preventing the loss of irreplacable relics and materials by providing accommodation and appropriate maintenance facilities for historic items to be saved.
We are based in Kirkby Merseyside, our aim is to actively engage local people into the insight of the historic development of vehicles through the era's and for the general awareness to the local area of the NWVRT, what it does and its collection.
The space available will also allow the development of a definitive collection that comprehensively reflects vehicle design, development and operation between the late 1940s through to the late 2000's.
The trust has recently gained local recognition of Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council, in working closely with the council we have gained public awareness via the Council's free door-to-door publications of actively sociable organisations within the metropolitan area.
Charitable Status
The North West Vehicle Restoration Trust is a registered charity, No. 1143261 on the English register.

You can find published information about the Trust, including annual returns and accounts on the Charity Commission's website.